Know Church Organization!

by John P. Pratt
7 Mar 2021, 13 Storm (SR), 0 Quickening (V), Begin Transplating (J),
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©2021 by John P. Pratt. All rights Reserved.

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1. Common Consent
2. Church Organization
3. Illegitimate President
4. Reborn LDS Church
5. Conclusion
Church members have been repeatedly led astray by depending too much on leaders, rather than knowing truth for themselves.

The Prophet Joseph Smith lamented that Church members depended too much on him, which darkened their minds. He emphasized that each person should stand for himself and depend on no man.[1]

Vote against this guy!
Time after time throughout history, apostasy from the true Church has occurred when wolves entered the flock, disguised as sheep, and led the Church astray, because the members depended too much on their mantra "Follow the Prophet", which in some cases was an excuse not to know for themselves simple truths which would have prevented the takeover. How could they have prevented it? Sometimes it was as simple as voting "no" when false leadership was presented to be sustained.

The law of common consent of the Church membership was not designed to be merely a "rubber stamp" of perfunctory, mindless approval, but it is one method of checks and balances to prevent predators from commandeering the Good Ship Zion. As for those who chant, "The Lord will never allow his Church to be led astray", they should know that such false doctrine is found nowhere in the scriptures, but is taught by the wolf pack themselves. The fact is that the Lord's Church has fallen into apostasy every time it has appeared, except for the few times when the group was aware enough not to be deceived by Satan, in which case they were usually translated.

This article discusses how important the law of common consent is, and the importance of gaining knowledge to make each vote count. It then reviews the organization of the Lord's Church as revealed to Joseph Smith. This is imperative to know because the Lord provides us with the keys to prevent a hostile takeover, which is usually done by breaking the Lord's laws of Church organization. In other words, if the members don't even know what the Lord has revealed in their accepted standard works, especially the Doctrine and Covenants, then one can understand why the Lord might allow them to be led astray. The wrongful election of Brigham Young to the Church presidency is then reviewed, along with how it easily could have been prevented. And finally, a current case is reviewed concerning the Reborn LDS Church,[2] which is already showing signs of depending too much on their new prophet and seer, Mauricio Berger, caused by not understanding the Church organization.

1. Common Consent

Shortly after the organization of the Church, the Lord gave the following revelation in July 1830:

And all things shall be done by common consent in the church, by much prayer and faith, for all things you shall receive by faith. Amen.
— D&C 26:2

Do you think when you approve?
Thus, latter-day saints in all branches of the restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith are familiar with being asked to raise the right hand to approve various actions of the Church, such as who is chosen for offices, accepting new revelations, and what books are accepted as scripture. A question for such members reading this article concerns just how many times in your life have you seen the sustaining vote not be unanimous? There was only one time in my life, when very young, that I remember seeing one negative vote for an office in my ward. After I got over the shock of that person openly suggesting that the bishopric might not have been inspired in the call, a very important lesson was taught. That one dissenting hand led to the person meeting with the bishopric to explain in private his reason for the negative vote. Thus, for me the lesson seemed to be (1) the bishopric might make a mistake, and (2) only one negative vote might change the outcome.

Each of our votes is important. It should not be automatic, like a knee-jerk reflex. We will be judged by how we vote to approve Church actions, business decisions where we have a say, and political candidates.

In the 1960's, shortly after students at the University of California at Berkeley were protesting various social causes, a meeting was called at the University of Utah for about 300 graduate teaching assistants to form a socialist activist group on campus to lead similar protests. I attended and witnessed them threatening to burn down the administration building. The whole idea appeared insane to me, but I did not stand up and speak against it, which required knowing technical rules of procedure. Just when the group seemed to be about to approve such illegal actions, because every speech had been in favor of the action, one student stood up and changed the minds of the whole group! When the vote was taken, almost no one favored the proposal. One person had swayed the entire audience. We were all relieved to have a champion of our beliefs.

We should take our right to vote very seriously, or others could vote to deny us the vote! Part of our responsibility is to be knowledgeable on the subject about which we are voting. Let us consider knowledge we should have about the organization of the Lord's Church, to prevent us from supporting illegitimate procedures.

2. Church Organization

It is very important to understand the structure of the Church at the time of Joseph Smith. All that is presented here is in revelations contained in the Doctrine and Covenants. The organization was given by revelation. If any of this organization changes, there should be a revelation from God, and so that all is done in order, that revelation needs to be sustained by the Church as new scripture.

It is also important to understand that in the time during which the Church was being organized, the organization grew a little at a time. Let's review that so that it is understood clearly.

When the Church of Christ (the original name) was organized on Tue 6 April 1830, there were only two elders presiding. Joseph Smith was the First Elder and Oliver Cowdery the Second Elder. Later, David Whitmer was also ordained to be an elder. The Lord told both Oliver and David that they had the same calling as the apostle Paul in New Testament (D&C 18:9). An apostle has the same level of priesthood as an elder, as stated in D&C 20:38, but an apostle has the special calling to preach the gospel and baptize, whereas, the calling of an elder is usually to preside over branches of the Church in certain locations.

Lyman Wight
First LDS High Priest.
Then on Sat 4 June 1831,
[3] the Lord restored a higher level of priesthood when 23 High Priests after the Order of Melchizedek were ordained. Joseph Smith could do this because he had already received this priesthood and its keys from Peter, James, and John, but no one else had yet been ordained. Parley P. Pratt was one of those high priests. He explained in his autobiography, that it was definitely a higher level of priesthood.[4]

Then in March 1832, after several high priests had been ordained, the First Presidency was called, consisting of three high priests. Joseph Smith was the President of the Church, and he had two counselors. These three are to be called by revelation (D&C 102:9-10). The Lord explained that these two counselors were also presidents who shared all of the keys of presidency with President Smith, and that on occasions whenever President Smith could not attend, he could have either counselor act for him in his place (D&C 90:6, D&C 102:11).[5] That way, Joseph Smith did not need to be everywhere at once as the Church grew. Also, in the case of his death, the counselors already held the keys needed, so the transition could be made in an orderly fashion, in the event that the Prophet had not already designated his successor. As far as that is concerned the Doctrine and Covenants also states that, if revelation is lacking for any reason in calling a new presidency, the three high priests are to be chosen by the body of all of the high priests (D&C 107:22).

Then on Wed 18 December 1833, a Patriarch was called, being Joseph Smith Sr, the father of Joseph Smith. That actually requires a higher level of priesthood even than that a High Priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood. Joseph Smith ordained his father to be the Patriarch. Why did he have the authority to ordain someone to that priesthood? Because he had also received the Patriarchal Priesthood from Peter, James, and John! But it had not been necessary to invoke that level of priesthood until that time. The principal duty of the Patriarch is to give patriarchal blessings. It is the most spiritual office in the Church, which is probably the reason why it is considered the highest office.[6]

Patriarch Joseph Smith Sr.
It is important to understand that the Patriarch has no keys to preside over the Church, but later in the development of the LDS Church, the Presiding Patriarch did preside over the stake patriarchs, but that was all. It was the First Presidency, who was called to preside over the members. In fact, very little was known in the days of Joseph Smith about the Patriarchal Priesthood. Joseph had told members that it was one of the three grand orders of priesthood, being the Melchizedek, Patriarchal, and Aaronic. He promised that if the members finished the Nauvoo temple they would learn more about the patriarchal branch (TPJS 322-323). That temple was never finished, so the Patriarchal Priesthood has largely remained a mystery in the LDS Church. One indication that it is the highest office is that the official order in which the sustaining of Church leaders in general conference, is that the Church Patriarch is sustained first, and the First Presidency after him. The revelation states that not only is the Patriarch's duty to give blessings, it is also to help keep the Church from going astray (D&C 124:124,144).[7] It is interesting that the LDS Church removed the office of Church Patriarch in Oct 1978, and the LDS Church is now seriously going astray![8]

Then on 17 February 1834 the first stake of the Church was organized in Kirtland, Ohio, having a high council formed of high priests. The minutes of this meeting are contained in D&C 102.

Then in February 1835, the Quorum of Apostles was called. Many of them were at the priesthood level of elder, and some were high priests, but they were called to be a Traveling Quorum. Their duty was to go into all the world, baptize, and start new branches. They presided over those branches, but it is very important to understand that whenever a stake of the Church had been organized, they had no authority whatsoever to preside.[9] For example, they needed permission from local leaders to baptize their own children, just like other members. Thus, an apostle may be either an elder or a high priest, who has a special calling to preach the gospel outside of organized stakes in order to baptize new members.

Much of that, especially the part about the authority of the Twelve has changed in the LDS Church, so now let us look at what happened at the death of Joseph Smith.

3. Illegitimate President

Before Joseph Smith was martyred, he left rather clear instructions on what should occur at his death. First of all, the Church President should be a lineal descendant of his father, Joseph Smith Sr.[10] That was because they were the seed of Joseph of Egypt, who had been given the right of presidency, and so the brothers of Joseph Smith were all potential presidents, provided they were worthy, called by the Lord, and ordained to be high priests.

But none of his brothers had been officially called and ordained by Joseph Smith for that calling. Shortly before his death, in the presence of several witnesses, he ordained his son Joseph Smith III to someday be Church President. At that time the boy was only 11 years old, so it was understood that his presidency would commence when he became an adult. Thus, it was understood by many members that if Joseph died, his brother Hyrum would be President, and if he died also, then Samuel Smith, the next younger brother, would be President until Joseph III was old enough to fulfill his role.

Joseph Smith probably felt that the Church was prepared for the transition which he knew was coming, but it did not turn out as he had planned. Joseph and Hyrum were both murdered by a mob on Thu 27 June 1844, and their brother Samuel mysteriously got sick and died only a month later on Tue 30 July 1844.

Brigham Young.
Thus, there was a big problem of how to proceed. The top two candidates to be president were Sidney Rigdon, First Counselor in the Presidency, who held all of the necessary keys, and Brigham Young, the President of the Twelve Apostles, representing that quorum. President Rigdon offered to be the "Guardian" of the Church until Joseph III was old enough to be president, whereas Brigham Young said that the Twelve had all the keys necessary to lead the Church, which apparently no one questioned. After they both spoke at a debate between them, the membership of the Church in Nauvoo voted, and Brigham won. So for three years, the Church was led by the Twelve. That might not have been so bad, but there is more!

A very important point to understand is that many members were expecting Brigham to turn the presidency over to Joseph III at some future date, but in December 1847, it became clear to all that such would not be the case. Brigham convinced other members of the Twelve to vote to organize a new First Presidency, with him as president. That happened, and it was announced a few days later at a Church conference in Council Bluff, Iowa, where he was sustained. Ever since then, the LDS Church has been led by the Quorum of Twelve Apostles, with each in turn becoming president without having been ordained to be a true high priest, that is, by a man who could trace his High Priesthood lineage back to Joseph Smith. Virtually all LDS high priests go back to Brigham Young.

Okay, now it is test time. It is time for a quiz. Would you please answer the following question in your mind: why was the election of Brigham Young not according to the revealed order of the Church? See if you can think of three reasons.

. . .

Here are my answers:

  1. Brigham Young was not the legitimate heir of the presidency because Joseph Smith III had already been designated for that position. Brigham's attempt to seize the presidency proved that he was not just the "Guardian of the Church" until Joseph III was mature enough to preside. The son of the Prophet Joseph should have had the right to accept or refuse the position.
  2. Brigham Young had never even been ordained a high priest, and so he should not have been a candidate to be President of the High Priesthood of the Church.
  3. The new president was not chosen by the body of high priests as required by revelation,[11] but by apostles, some of whom were only elders. Elders should not have been part of the procedure at all.

Thus, after 1847, by which time several splinter group churches had already died, a movement began to start the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. In 1860 Joseph III accepted the presidency of that church and presided until his death at age 82.

4. Reborn LDS Church

Now let us turn to a current problem in the fledgling Reborn LDS Church, which is a nickname for this Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, headquartered in Brazil and headed by President Mauricio Berger.[12]

President Berger.
That church claims to be the "reborn" true version of the LDS Church, complete with a recently called First Presidency, and Patriarch, but not yet with a Quorum of Twelve Apostles. Thus, it is comparable to the organization in 1833 of the Church of Christ, headed by Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Ohio, before there were any stakes created or a Quorum of Twelve Apostles.

The problem in Brazil has to do with depending too much on the Prophet to lead the Church. It is very similar to what happened in the early Church, when Joseph Smith was killed, the Church was too dependent on him and did not even know how to proceed without him.

On 26 May 1842 the Prophet Joseph made the following remarks to the Relief Society:

"the people should each one stand for himself, and depend on no man or men ... applied it to the present state [1842] of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints — said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall — that they were depending on the Prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in consequence of neglecting the duties devolving upon themselves"
— Joseph Smith (TPJS 237-238).

What prompted me to choose the topic for this article is that I received the following notice, sent from the Bishop, which, when translated into English reads:

"I am advising you that for my part, for an undetermined time there will no sacrament meetings held until our Prophet, Brother Mauricio, instructs us, or conducts the meetings, or determines that sacrament meetings should begin again."
  — The Bishop, 27 Feb 2021.

I read that and recognized a problem. What if Mauricio died? Would this church shut down? We have been commanded to partake of the sacrament often to remember the Savior. Should we stop the sacrament because the Prophet cannot attend in person? Our fellowship in Utah has weekly sacrament meetings and it has never occurred to us that the Prophet might attend.

Last November I had been called to the First Counselor in the First Presidency, so it seemed to be my duty to discuss this issue with President Berger. I contacted him and he asked me to preside at the sacrament meetings until he returns. This was exactly the direction which the Bishop was apparently hoping for from the Prophet, namely, instructions about how to proceed. Hence the subject of this discourse needed to include the counsel not to depend too much on the Prophet and to remember that there is an organization in place to cover for him when he cannot attend. That is, he now has two counselors with the same keys to direct the work of this church (D&C 90:6), which verse was quoted to me by President Berger as applying to his two new counselors, even as in the days of Joseph Smith.

The problem I saw in this Reborn Church was not simply with that announcement. Some members contacted me who were very concerned by the fact that Mauricio had apparently disappeared and no one would tell them where he was. It apparently did not occur to them that it may be none of their business where he was. Perhaps it was a test for this church to see what would happen if the Prophet disappeared for a while. I also did not know where he was.

Aaron built the golden calf!
I replied to those who asked, to remember what happened when Moses went up on the mountain to meet with the Lord for forty days. The people got very nervous and eventually assumed Moses was dead. What did they do? Did Aaron take over and have everyone remember the covenants they had already made with the Lord? No, he built a golden calf so they could worship as they did in Egypt! Moses was so angry when he returned that he broke the tablets containing God's laws. Aaron had made the huge mistake of actually supervising the building of an idol, but he repented, and went on to become the head of the Aaronic Priesthood! So we all can repent of mistakes.

May we not make the same mistakes as those who have preceded us, because now we are nearly out of time as the Second Coming approaches. Let us all know the church government which has been revealed and let us all let our vote really count when asked to sustain Church leaders. We are expected to all take very seriously our personal stewardship with God!

With all of this in mind, here is my counsel for members in Brazil of this church:

  1. If you see Church members reject the Prophet to build a golden calf, do not help them to build it!
  2. If you have already helped them, repent, and be patient in waiting for the Prophet to return.
  3. Remember that even though Aaron built the calf, yet he repented and afterward became a great priest. Indeed, the Aaronic Priesthood was named for him!
  4. Remember that after Moses returned, it did not end well for those who continued to choose to oppose him (Exo. 32:26-28).
  5. Remember that after the removal of those who stubbornly continued to oppose Moses and the Lord, wonderful things soon happened to the others, including receiving the law of Moses and finally entering the Promised Land, where the temple was eventually built.

5. Conclusion

The importance of understanding Church organization was discussed as a tool for all members to have to avoid being deceived by wolves in sheep's clothing who might attempt to take control of the Church.

The first point reviewed was the importance of taking one's vote seriously to approve or reject leaders when the law of common consent, which requires the consent of the Church, is being offered. And if you see important changes to the Church, especially covenants being changed such as using water instead of wine for the sacrament, and that being done without the common consent of the Church, it will be known that there is a serious problem with the leadership.

Then the revealed organization of the restored Church is reviewed so that if this organization is changed without a revelation being presented for the common consent of the Church, it is another warning sign of serious problems in the leadership. A summary of the organization is that there should be (1) a Patriarch, (2) a First Presidency of three Melchizedek high priests who can trace their High Priesthood lineage back through men who all had been ordained to it, and (3) a Quorum of Twelve Apostles, eventually. When the President of the Church is unavailable, his counselors have all the keys needed to preside. The Twelve are a traveling council to go throughout the world to preach and baptize, but have no presiding authority where there is a stake established.

Then the illegitimate presidency of Brigham Young was reviewed, which broke these rules when he (1) ignored the legitimate candidate Joseph Smith III, who should be given the first right of refusal to preside, (2) had never been ordained a high priest, and (3) was elected by apostles rather than high priests.

Then a problem in the Reborn LDS Church was discussed which is an example of what the Prophet Joseph Smith feared, namely, that Church members would depend on his presence too much. When Mauricio the Seer was required by the Lord to be absent for some time, the Bishop canceled sacrament meetings until President Berger could return. The Bishop apparently forgot that there is a mechanism for this Church to continue in operation without the President, the first line of action being that the counselors in the First Presidency have the same keys of presiding as does the president, and they may assume his responsibilities when needed.

Thus, if Church members are aware of Church organization and the importance of their vote in the law of common consent, and are looking for wolves among the flock, then they can be of one heart and mind in preventing the overthrow of this Church of Jesus Christ.


  1. Joseph Smith, address to the Relief Society, 26 May 1842, recorded in Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1976), pp.237-238: "President Joseph Smith read the 14th chapter of Ezekiel, said the Lord had declared by the Prophet [Ezekiel], that the people should each one stand for himself, and depend on no man or men ... applied it to the present state [1842] of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints — said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall — that they were depending on the Prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in consequence of neglecting the duties devolving upon themselves".
  2. Pratt, John P., "Notice of LDS Church Rebirth" (17 Apr 2020) discusses the opening of the first branch of the Reborn Church in Utah, with links to articles about the translation of the first part of the sealed Plates of Mormon, and the restoration of the High Priesthood.
  3. This date, proposed in 2014 in my work, has recently been confirmed by revelation to Mauricio the Seer during the general conference of the Reborn LDS Church on Sat 21 Nov 2019. See my "Reborn LDS Church Conference" (28 Nov 2020) Endnote 2." That date had previously been uncertain by a few days.
  4. Pratt, John P., "Uniform Hebrew Calendar Witnesses Sacred Events" (2 Dec 2014), Section 2.4 "High Priests".
  5. Sometimes the Documentary History of the Church is quoted where it states that when the President is not present, the keys of the other two presidents are somehow nullified, even though the purpose of them holding all of the keys is for that very reason to preside when the first president cannot be in attendance. The quotation in question comes after the Prophet Joseph reviews how the Twelve are under the direction of the First Presidency. Then this clause follows, "and where I [Joseph] am not, there is no First Presidency over the Twelve" (DHC 2:374), which makes no sense. It turns out that phrase was added to the history later by a different hand, as shown in the Joseph Smith Papers. See Russell Anderson, "Succession of the Presidency" on his website for a photo of the original manuscript.
  6. Joseph Smith explained, "The patriarchal office is the highest in the church, and Father Smith, conferred this office on Hyrum Smith, on his death bed." See my "Wheat, Tares, and Lineal Succession" (15 Feb 2021), endnote 21. There is a difference between the true Presiding Patriarch and a stake patriarch. Joseph Smith Sr was from the Smith line which had the right of inheriting the full office of Presiding Patriarch, and his sons had the right to continue this inheritance if worthy, which procedure has been followed in the LDS Church. The current Patriarch of the Reborn LDS Church is not of that line and he has been told that his sons will not have the right of inheritance. The true Presiding Patriarch may indeed have the keys to preside over the Church latent within him, because, for example, it was the Presiding Patriarch John Smith who set apart his half brother Joseph F. Smith to be president of the LDS Church, which was the correct procedure. These details are not well understood by me, so we all look forward to the time when more will be revealed on this subject.
  7. It is noteworthy that the word to be used in general conference is "approve" rather than "sustain" (D&C 124:144), which does not imply supporting the officer in required duties, but merely approving the choice.
  8. See Bates, Irene, and Smith, E. Gary, Lost Legacy (Urbana, IL: U. of Illinois Press, 2003), p. 102: (quoting Wilford Woodruff Journal, 27 Dec 1847): "We learned from President Brigham Young's teachings that it was necessary to keep up a full organization of the Church through all time as far as could be, at least the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve, and the Patriarch over the whole Church &c so the devil could take no advantage of us."
  9. Shortly after the Twelve were called, on 2 May 1835: "Smith reminds the Twelve that they have no juridiction in organized stakes, and that the stake high council has no authority in branches." See my "Wheat, Tares, and Lineal Succession" (15 Feb 2021) endnote 6.
  10. Pratt, John P., "Wheat, Tares, and Lineal Succession" (15 Feb 2021) points out that this law of lineal succession of the president is the main point of D&C 86, which discusses the parable of the wheat and tares.
  11. One reason why high priests were not consulted is that Brigham Young has systematically removed nearly all of the high priests from the Church, so that he could claim that apostles were the highest office in the Church. See my "Wheat, Tares, and Lineal Succession" (15 Feb 2021), endnote 7.
  12. Pratt, John P., "Reborn LDS Church Conference" (28 Nov 2020).